Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I realized in the last couple of weeks that although the hubby and I are not actively pursuing the gift of parenthood at the moment, I'm forgetting the second half of the title of my blog.  My blog is titled "Mother in Faith, by Faith."  My faith is not contingent on whether or not I have a child.  My faith is a reflection of my love for my Savior because of His love for me.  My faith is an act of obedience.  If my faith is important enough to be in the title of my blog, is it not important enough to write about on a regular basis?  Shouldn't my faith be just as documented as my quest to have children?  In that vein, I am going to resume writing.  Expect at least two posts per week from now on.  There will be weeks that I don't make that, I'm sure.  There will also be weeks that my heart will be so full that I will post more.  Regardless, there will be more.  God is good.


Speaking of more, starting sometime after the first of the year, I will finally be able to attend church every Sunday - at least, I think so.  As of today, I have a new title at my hospital.  As of today, I am the hospital educator.  In theory, what that means is that I will work one 12-hour shift on the ICU (to maintain my CCRN status and to maintain my full-time status at the hospital) and then I will work the remainder of my hours in education.  Again, in theory, I will set my own schedule.  I will FINALLY be able to be part of a church again.  And my hubby and I have also finally settled on a particular church.  Over the last eight weeks, this church has been going through the tenets of its doctrine.  Beyond the explanation of its doctrine, the sermons were concerned with application.  Even the hubby is satisfied.  He has given us abundantly more.  God is so good.


 On the baby front, things are status quo.  We are attempting timing again, but even that has suddenly become difficult since last month I was five days late.  Alas, what will be will be.  After all, God is good.  And God is more.  More than sufficient.  More than we ask.  Simply more. 

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