Friday, November 1, 2013

O the Blood

I was listening to praise and worship music yesterday at work as I often do, and I was struck by the song "O the Blood" by Kari Jobe.  In my desire to have a child, blood is considered the enemy.  It means failure.  It's messy and emotional, something to pray and hope against.  It's emotionally and physically painful.

And yet...

There's this lyric in that song:  "O, the blood, it is my victory."  Blood is not the enemy; it is victory.  Victory over sin and death.  Yes, it was messy, emotional, and painful.  But my Savior bore that pain willingly.  It's a bit of a reality check when you really think about it.  

Now I'm not saying that I welcome the sight of my own blood, but I am saying that maybe it's a small price to pay.  After all, my Lord bore much worse with much less.

If you're unfamiliar with the song, check it out here:

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