Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary,
Pure and holy, tried and true,
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary for You

I have always loved this song.  It’s simple yet beautiful.  However, like many worship choruses, after a blazing run in popularity, it has faded into obscurity.  I started thinking on it this weekend.  I am one that if I am singing something, it had better be true.  Words are my lifeblood:  if they are spoken or written, I had better mean them.  Just ask my husband.  I can’t decide if I like a song on the radio or not until I have heard all the lyrics.  The melody, bass, or harmonies can be amazing, but if the lyrics do not reflect my heart in some way, I could do without the song.

So what does this song mean?  What is a sanctuary?  According to dictionary.com, a sanctuary is a “sacred or holy place” or a place “where fugitives were entitled to immunity.”  In other words, a sanctuary is a safe place where God dwells.  I would like to think that my heart meets those requirements.  It holds so many secrets – so many desires – deep inside and safe.  And I know my Lord lives there.  But is it holy?  Is it pure?  No, it is not.  I try.  I find myself falling at my Savior’s feet, begging for His heart to replace my own, but in all reality, my heart is still selfish, still human. 

And if I'm holy, as You are holy,
Then I'll see You, face to face.
Melt and mold me into Your image,
Take me to Your holy place.

What does it mean to be holy?  The college that I attended had “Holiness Unto the Lord” carved into its altar.  It was set apart, dedicated in whole to a God Who called us to such a life.  We are to be so holy that we are set apart. 

This last month – without the hustle and bustle of fertility treatments or worrying if I could be pregnant or not – has been a relief.  It’s been a sort of calm.  I have spent the time in preparation, if you will.  My healthy eating habits and hardcore exercise (if I’m not sweating buckets, I don’t feel like I’ve worked hard enough……) have returned.  My devotional time is more about spending time with a dear Friend and less about petitioning Him for a baby.  This weekend, preparation has been a huge theme for me.  I want a baby, yes, but I am not ready for one.  My husband is not ready for one.  That is hard to type and even harder to accept, but it is true.  This time – forced on me by our lack of excess funds – is a time of preparation.  I will use it as preparation for motherhood, yes, but most of all, I will use it as preparation to be a “sacred or holy place” that is honoring to my God. 

Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary,
Pure and holy, tried and true,
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary for You

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