Wednesday, December 25, 2013

So This Is Christmas...

I've been wondering if I am allowed to feel sad today.  I am truly blessed.  The last two mornings have been heavenly:  each morning the dog has allowed us to lounge for close to two hours.  We didn't sleep; we just talked and cuddled, and it was so special.  They were two of the best mornings I have had in who knows how long.  I have an absolutely perfect prince.  And the last two days have been spent surrounded by a family that loves us dearly.  There have been gifts, and food, and more food, and games, and just an amazing time of being together.

So, am I allowed to feel sad?  Do I have any justification for tears?  I still don't know the answers to those questions, but if the answers ARE "no," then I guess I'm selfish.  Because tears have come despite my best efforts.  And sadness - though very infrequent - has been present. 

So, this is Christmas:  family and love and joy and just a small twinge of pain.  And, now?  It's time for bed.

I hope and pray that your day has been happy and blessed, wherever you are.  And may God bless you abundantly in the coming new year.

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